The Problem
After being out for a few hours on Sunday I headed home. When I arrived at my front door, the key snapped in the lock. I was left with the head of the key in my hand (the one in the picture) and broken key stuck in the lock.
The Solution
I phoned a locksmith and they said they’d be with me in 20 minutes, sure enough 20 minutes later they arrived. I had expected a long complex procedure to replace the lock, and a huge bill. However, 5 minutes later and bill paid, I was stood in my living room. It was expensive, but cheaper than anything I could have achieved on my own.
Skills For The Job
On reflection, when I was thinking about how complex I thought his task might be, I hadn’t taken into account that he had
- The correct tools for the job
- Appropriate Training
- Experience
- Process and procedures
If I had tried to do this on my own, I suspect that it would have taken me much longer. It would also be far less positive and a more expensive outcome due to the potential for making errors. This is because, although I have a lot of experience opening doors, I don’t have any in fixing locks. I don’t have the tools and I definitely haven’t been trained.
The Real Key to Success
When we support people, we need to acknowledge that no one has the ability to solve every problem, sometimes it takes people with expertise, training and experience of similar problems to enable appropriate solutions. When we deliver training, part of our process is to recognise the skills people have and utilise them in the most positive manner. Training staff in restraint reduction when dealing with vulnerable people with potentially complex trauma issues requires teamwork, knowledge, understanding and training.