Positive Behaviour Management Train-The-Trainer

4 day course

Deliver our physical intervention training courses within your own organisation as an affiliate to create a safer workplace environment for all.

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Course Overview

Attending our train-the-trainer course provides staff and individuals within the health, education and social care sectors with the skills and knowledge required to train others in de-escalation, communication and physical intervention techniques. 

Once trained, delegates will be able to deliver our BILD Act certified positive behaviour management courses. In addition, your organisation will greatly benefit from having a positive behaviour management trainer on site for future support and advice.

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Course Outline

Chapter One – Core Values

  • In this chapter we explore building relationships, trust and developing empathy
  • We use the “Five P’s of Invitational Theory” and trauma informed care

Chapter Two – Understanding Behaviour as Communication

  • Define behaviour
  • Understand the cultural differences in behaviour
  • Understand the functions of behaviour
  • Discover the role of communication in behaviour

Chapter Three – Developing Individual Response Strategies

  • Developing positive behaviour strategies based on non-physical interventions
  • Recognising behaviour that causes concern and using the “Four D’s” to determine an appropriate response
  • Defusion strategies

Chapter Four – Reducing Restrictive Interventions

  • Identify Restrictive Interventions
  • Six Core Strategies
  • Identifying debriefing strategies

Chapter Five – Ethics, Law and Policy

  • Identifying Human Rights legislation
  • Ethical lenses for decision making
  • Complex ethical decisions
  • Policy development and law

This Course is Available to

  • Organisations following the current Restraint Reduction Network Training
  • StandardsOrganisations supporting individuals who challenge services
  • NHS Commissioned ServicesCQC Regulated Services
  • Also available to organisations not required to have BILD ACT certified training due to sector or geographical area
  • The Timian Physical Intervention Train-The-Trainer course is developed for private sector, public sector and charities providing services to people within Education, Healthcare, Social Care, Mental Health, Learning Disabilities, Adolescent Psychiatric, Eating Disorders, NG Feeds and EBD


  • Organisations supporting adults and children who present with behaviours that are challenging.
  • All trainers must currently support people within the service they’re training, or, be part of the training team
  • Follow the RRN Standards where required
  • Where required training delivered at student level must be based on at Training Needs Analysis as required by BILD Act and RRN Standards
  • Training organisations must register as an affiliate to Timian in line with RRN guidelines
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Common Questions

  • What happens when I qualify as a trainer?

    When a participant passes the Timian train-the-trainer course and registers as an associate trainer with BILD ACT, they’re entitled to deliver the positive behaviour management courses within their own organisations. T

    They will also be given access to our Timian Resource Centre, which consists of all of our training videos, PowerPoints and administrative paperwork for delivering courses.

  • What is an affiliate?

    Due to the nature of the BILD Act Certification, any organisations who work with us to develop positive behaviour management trainers will be required to have Senior Trainers  listed as Timian Learning and Development trainers. 

    Any organisation delivering our training in-house will be required to sign up as an Affiliate organisation and their trainers will need to be registered as Associate Trainers. All affiliates are listed on the BILD Act website

    This satisfies the BILD Act Certification scheme, and also ensures that CQC/NHS inspectors are clear on who is allowed to deliver certified training.

  • Do you teach restraint techniques?

    In line with our BILD Act Certification and approval from the Restraint Reduction Network, we do deliver courses which include physical restraint techniques: 

    Positive Behaviour Management Training

    Timian Positive Behaviour Management Foundation Course

    The following course allows in-house trainers to deliver any BILD Act Certified training: 

    Timian Train-The-Trainer Course

  • Is this course just physical skills?

    There are five chapters to this course before any physical skills take place. This is a requirement of our Bild Act certification and is in line with our Restraint Reduction Network guidance.

    • Looking at Quality of Life
    • Communication as Behaviour
    • Individual Response Strategies
    • Reducing Restrictive Interventions
    • Ethics, Law and Policy
  • Is this course a Pass/Fail Course?

    The short answer is Yes. We expect that any course delivering this kind of training should have criteria for measuring people’s ability to put the training into practice. We also have to ensure that we follow our BILD Act Certification guidance.

  • Will I need a refresher?

    Our BILD Act certification requires us to ensure that all our certified courses are refreshed annually.

  • Is this course BILD Act certified?

    This positive behaviour management train-the-trainer course allows you to deliver training Certified by BILD ACT following the RRN Standards. Our certification certificate can be found here. In order to deliver the training to your staff, you will need to register as a Timian Affiliate training organisation

  • What is the maximum number of participants on the course?

    Our courses are structured to a maximum number of 12 participants. This is also in line with current guidance laid out by the Restraint Reduction Network and BILD Act.

  • How does our training map to PMVA

    PMVA (Prevention and Management of Violence and Aggression) is a term that was commonly used in the health sectors from the 1980’s onwards. There are also a number of organisations who have PMVA in their title. The content of each PMVA course for each organisation delivering it, will be different, but, if it is BILD ACT Certified and RRN Approved, then it should uphold the key components. If your organisation requires PMVA training, we cover the content required and more.

  • Do you train staff requiring clinical holding or require restraint for eating disorders

    Yes. These course are BILD Act Certified and RRN Approved and listed on the BILD Act website. These course are delivered as bespoke courses to your organisation and are not booked as stand alone courses. If you would like to book training in either of these areas, please let us know by contacting info@timian.co.uk